Internal rules for distance learning courses and coaching sessions

Internal rules 
for distance learning courses 
and coaching sessions



The company BIOABONDANCE, whose commercial name is EASYPERMA, a one-person simplified joint stock company, registered with the Bernay RCS under the number 819993411, whose head office is located at 5, rue Mutel de Boucheville, 27 300 BERNAY, represented by the President, Perrine BULGHERONI, organises training courses in permaculture and agroecology. Through Easyperma, its e-learning platform, it organises technical training courses in organic gardening and market gardening and the practical application of permaculture principles, for individuals and companies. These courses take place online or face-to-face at locations that request them.

Permaculture is a highly innovative design system for creating harmonious, sustainable human settlements. In addition to the latest discoveries in contemporary ecological research, permaculture has incorporated "good practices" from different human traditions.

 Its concepts can be applied to a garden, a farm, but also to a business, a community, a town, any human community.

These internal rules set out the framework for online training and coaching sessions. 

Article 1 Purpose

The purpose of these internal rules is to :
  • define the organisational procedures for distance learning courses and coaching sessions

  • define the general and permanent rules governing the operation of the training organisation

  • to formalise the rules relating to client discipline.

Article 2 - Persons concerned

The present internal regulations apply to all clients registered for a session given by BIOABONDANCE, in particular via EASYPERMA, for the entire duration of the training or coaching followed, whether they are organised in a private context, on a personal or collective basis, or in an inter-company or intra-company context. Each customer is deemed to have accepted the terms of these regulations when taking part in distance learning or coaching provided by the training organisation and accepts that measures may be taken against them in the event of non-compliance.

Article 3 - Organisation of distance learning courses and coaching sessions

In order for the courses to run smoothly and to ensure full communication about the distance learning courses, customers are required to provide their e-mail address and mobile telephone number. This data is used by the organisation for the sole purpose of being able to send customers details relating to the organisation and proper administrative management of the training courses and to keep them informed of all information relating to the sessions provided by BIOABONDANCE.

Prior to the opening of the training or coaching session, customers receive : 
  • when they register: a login and password to connect to their personal space

  • the contact details of the IT referent to be contacted in the event of a connection incident or need for technical assistance are provided on the learning platform.

Throughout the training and coaching sessions, customers undertake to comply with the procedures laid down by the organiser, not to disrupt any session, and to respect any person acting as trainer or learner. 

Article 4 - Single-person access

Customers have access to their own personal space and undertake under no circumstances to pass it on to other people. 

Article 5 - Recordings

It is strictly forbidden to record or film training sessions, unless expressly authorised by the training director or manager. The teaching material transmitted must only be used by the customer in the context of his training and must not under any circumstances be published (whatever the publication medium) or sent to a third party or be used as a basis for another training course. 

Article 6 - End-of-training assessments

Customers are invited to complete the evaluation questionnaires sent to them electronically at the end of the course.

Article 7 - Teaching documentation

All the presentation sheets, content and teaching aids in whatever form (paper, electronic, digital, oral) used by BIOABONDANCE, in particular via EASYPERMA to provide training or given to customers constitute original works and as such are protected by intellectual property and copyright. As such, the customer and the client are prohibited from using, transmitting, reproducing, exploiting or transforming all or part of these documents. This prohibition applies, in particular, to any use made by the customer and the customer with a view to organising or running training courses.

Article 8 - Confidentiality

BIOABONDANCE, in particular via EASYPERMA, the customer and the customer undertake to keep confidential the documents and information to which they may have access during the training service or during exchanges prior to registration, in particular all the elements contained in the proposal sent by BIOABONDANCE, in particular via EASYPERMA to the customer. In particular, customers shall refrain from using or reporting any information of which they are aware relating to the personal or professional situation of other customers they meet during breaks or training sessions. 

Article 9 - Disciplinary procedure

The following provisions are taken from articles R6352-4 to R6352-8 of the French Labour Code. No penalty may be imposed on a customer without the latter having first been informed of the grievances against him/her.

Article 10 - Complaints

Any complaint must be made to BIOABONDANCE, at the address given on the training platform.

Article 11 - Publicity - Information

A copy of these rules shall be : 
  • Published on the website

  • Communicated to customers when they register. Any validated registration means that the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the Internal Regulations have been read, understood and signed.

Some of the photos on this site were taken at the Bec Hellouin Farm and are copyrighted. © Bec Hellouin Farm. All rights reserved.